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Do Competitions and Awards Matter? An Interview with Ucha Tsiklauri, CEO, Georgian Wines and Spirits

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03/07/2024 Exploring the Impact of Wine Competitions on the Success of Georgian Wines in the U.S. Market

Ucha Tsiklauri is the Florida-based founder and CEO of Georgian Wines and Spirits, an importer and distributor of Georgian wines and spirits. The company has grown quickly in a few years. It offers comprehensive services including label design, submission for approval by the COLA, transportation, storage, sales, and distribution across most U.S. states. With a focus on Georgia's rich wine heritage, renowned for its 8,000 vintages and unique winemaking tradition in qvevri, Georgian Wines and Spirits aims to offer U.S. wine lovers the opportunity to experience natural wines crafted with the same methods and grapes used by ancient Georgians millennia ago. 

Ucha kindly answered Editor Charlie Leary’s questions about the relevance of wine competitions in today’s industry.

In creating a new wine import and distribution business, how important were wine competitions and winning awards in your initial marketing strategy? What were the reasons? Did this relate to your experience working in the on-trade?

Ucha Tsiklauri: Wine competitions and winning awards were integral to our initial marketing strategy. They served as a validation of quality and credibility for our wines, which is crucial when introducing new products to a competitive market. Leveraging awards helped us differentiate our offerings from others and build trust with both retailers and consumers. My experience working in the on-trade taught me that sommeliers and buyers often rely on these accolades to make informed decisions, so having award-winning wines provided a significant advantage.

As your business developed, how did that perspective of wine competition change? Were you happy with the results?

Ucha Tsiklauri: As the business developed, our perspective on wine competition evolved. Initially, they were about gaining recognition and opening doors. Over time, we began to see them as a benchmark for continuous improvement and quality assurance. We were generally pleased with the results, as the accolades we garnered helped reinforce our brand's reputation and opened up new distribution channels. However, we also learned to be selective about which competitions to enter, focusing on those that aligned best with our target market and offered the most impactful exposure.

Image: Askaneli Prima

You have worked a substantial amount with the Sommeliers Choice Awards (SCA). Please describe your experience. 

Ucha Tsiklauri: Working with the Sommeliers Choice Awards (SCA) has been a highly positive experience. The SCA is well-regarded within the industry, and its focus on the preferences of sommeliers ensures that the awarded wines are truly appreciated by wine professionals who influence purchasing decisions in restaurants and hotels. The process is rigorous and respected, which adds significant value to the awards. Our wines have consistently performed well in the SCA, and the feedback from sommeliers has been invaluable for refining our selections and improving our portfolio.

How has the SCA helped your business gain greater exposure, placement for your wines, and higher sales? 

Ucha Tsiklauri: The SCA has significantly boosted our business in several ways. Firstly, winning awards has increased our wines' visibility and credibility among sommeliers and buyers, leading to better placement in top restaurants and hotels. This exposure, in turn, has driven higher sales, as consumers are more likely to choose wines that are recognized and recommended by professionals. Additionally, the marketing opportunities provided by the SCA, such as featuring award badges on our bottles and promotional materials, have enhanced our overall brand image and consumer trust.

Georgian wines are a special category, with growing recognition in the US market. Did you find any particular characteristics of the SCA helpful given this context? 

Ucha Tsiklauri: Georgian wines are indeed a special category, with unique characteristics and a rich heritage that is gaining recognition in the US market. The SCA has been particularly helpful in this context due to its focus on the sommelier community. Sommeliers are often at the forefront of introducing and advocating for unique and lesser-known wine regions. The credibility that comes with SCA awards has helped us educate the market about Georgian wines, highlighting their unique qualities and rich history. This recognition has facilitated greater acceptance and interest among both trade professionals and consumers, boosting our efforts to establish Georgian wines as a premium choice in the US market.

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